Cityscale CC. City template usable as is for your project and very easily modifiable thanks to its interchangeable block system. You can use it to create a deatmatch, battle royal, or any other style of play. -Buildings -Houses -Sewers -Subway -Supermarket -Coffee -Hospital -Basket terrain -Skate park -Bank -Police station -Wasteland -Small Park -Construction site -Tunnel -Fast food -Pharmacy -Warehouse -Museum -Bus shelters Background: -Forrest -Rock -Building -Park -Example NIGHT SKY -Example of a vehicle with headlights. -Example of a 'NPC cars' moving, headlights on and wheels turning and an 'NPC' walking (use Aphrim CC script 'basic walking NPC'). The blocks are all 24x24 in size, you can interchange them, duplicate them. They are all placed in a 72x72 parent group. The blocks can be rotated, duplicated, moved, to enlarge, modify, shrink your city, ect ... The Warehouse, Fastfood, Hospital, site block must remain in 72x72. You can use block backgrounds to decorate your city and prevent players from getting out of the map. To reduce the networked, remove the doors of small houses.