It is 2078 and a lot has changed about the world. Governments and Nations are no more, all are just markets for the Corporates that now run everything. The Wars of Market Share poisoned the Earth so now even the air we breath must be purchased. The Pog (poison fog) outside won't kill you quickly but you will die. For the Highs, life will always be good. For the Zeros with no remaining Status points, life is short, scavenging for any dregs of clean air and water amongst the waste of the Highs. But some things haven't changed, like today is Saturday and that still means it is time to PARTY! All are welcome at Club 02 for good sounds and clean air… if you have the creds and status points that is. A dystopian moment in time created as a collaboration between Dropoutfpv (@dropoutfpv) and Utterly (@Utterly(Chris))for the DYSTOPIAN WORLDS: a deadmau5 x Core Collab Jam. Special Controls: Press 'V" to switch between first and third person view Hold Left-Shift to fly. Press "T" to turn off/on invisible walls for behind the scenes access. Press “9” to show/hide all deadmau5 images Thanks for CC to: Hani - First Person to Third Person switcher Disastronaut - [Coffee Shop] Soda Bottles YadNi_Monde - Limo Please explore, this is not a game but more a movie set arranged to capture a moment in time. The ability to turn off the invisible walls (T) allows total freedom to approach the set from different angles and also means you will be able see outside the set.