"Life was really hard for me. I was travelling from place to place unable to find rest. One day I've found and abandoned underground railway station. It was cold and lonely back there, but It was all I had. I've scrambled some kind of a tent from the trash I've found lying around. One night, Ive heard some noise. There were people walking around my shelter, and they were invisible. It seemed as if some kind of an organistaion send them there to find a former employee and get rid of him. I've been watching from afar. It seems that they've called themselves GHOSTS or something like that. I'm gonna need to find out more about that organistion. I wanted to check the corpses, but they dissappeared the moment they got a lethal wound. Luckily their cloth was left. Gathering the info little by little i've managed to find out some clues. A few more days and I'll have to say goodbye to my sweet shelter.. Its been a while. I need to prepare, gahter my belonings and set off. The journey awaits and I have a feeling this in not gona be an easy one" - Orange Fox, the Homeless Detective