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Beam Riders

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Generational uprising spreads. The colonizing ships, that landed three generations ago, built settlements within the poisonous atmosphere of Heliosphere. The initial “Landed Generation” that first awoke from their 1000 year voyage from Earth, now controls the air, water, and power. Their grandchildren live crowded, poor, indentured; manipulated to support the utopian lives of their own grandparents. Unable to find their own living space, no longer wishing to live as serfs, the Lost Generation rise up to seize control of the reactors that generate life support on Heliosphere. Team Death Match: Primary guns and secondary missiles can be picked up during game play from the red carts. Special abilities are unlocked. But don’t worry, you can select any single ability when you first join and each player can have only one active ability in game. Choose wisely, as you will need to earn XP in ranked games to unlock other new options. More games modes are coming... Queen Defence: Players will be randomly chosen as VIPs, you must kill the enemy VIP to win. Reactor Attack: Destroy or defend the Heliosphere reactor to win GAME PLAY TIPS 1) In the ranked game modes the map size adjusts to the player count. However, the Unranked Instant Action game mode is always 10v10. If you are struggling to find players in this mode, sweep your crosshair across the horizon and the HUD will briefly display a friend or foe indicator in the direction of the player. Once you get closer to the player they will be appear on the Long Scan 2D radar. When you get closer still, the radar will switch to 3D to give relative altitude indicator allowing you to close in on exactly where your target is. Note: the radar is only visible in first person mode which you can toggle by pressing C. 2) Your aircraft has a red laser sight aligned with your primary gun mounts. This allows you to aim your weapons in 3rd person mode. If you see a red light flicker on your own aircraft that means someone is aiming at you! 3) Primary Guns (left mouse): in general each weapon trades off ease of use versus damage. The beam weapons are hit scan, making them the easy to hit your target, but they have the least range and the least damage. Projectile weapon are harder to use and you will need to lead your targets, but they do much more damage. Weapons like the starting cannon have projectiles that are also impacted by gravity, but can be a one shot kill! You pick up the primary guns from the red vehicles during game play. 4) Secondary Missiles (right mouse): There are a range of secondary missiles, some which are dumb, and others which are homing. For homing missiles to lock, your cross hair needs to be on the enemy when you fire. Seeker drones will look onto any enemy 360 degrees in you vicinity, but they are slow, so are best used in certain situations where the enemies ability to manoeuvre is limited. When a missile or drone locks onto an enemy, they will receive lock warning in their HUD. You pick up secondary missiles from the red vehicles during game play 5) Abilities (E or Shift): Each player can have one ability type selected during the game. Most are activated with E, with the exception is Speed Boost which is activated with Shift. You will be able to choose one ability when you first join Beam Riders. After that you will need to play ranked games to earn XP to unlock additional options. 6) XP awarded in ranked games allows you to unlock new abilities and vehicles. XP awarded when finishing ranked games changes depending on whether your team won and your rank within your team. Abilities can be unlocked and selected in the parent launch server. 7) Player’s and their vehicles have different health bars shown in the HUD. If the player is not enclosed in the vehicle, then you can target player directly. Hitting the player is the Beam Rider’s equivalent of a headshot!

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