CONTROLS: Movement - WASD Reload - R key This game was made for the Student GameDev Hackathon, hosted by Core Games and UpSync! I am a high school student and mainly use Unity as a game engine. Trying out, learning and making a game using Core - all in 1 day was fun! Most of the key controls are similar to some of Unity's, so that helped out a lot too! The theme of this game jam was "2020 THE GAME". As we all know, COVID-19 changed our lives, and wearing masks became essential when walking in public areas. Unfortunately, not everyone wears a mask and some even don't believe in the existence of the dangerous virus. In answer to that - I made a game where you have to survive by not colliding with other humans, or in different words - by socially distancing yourself! The end part of the game features a fight against anti-maskers, yikes! Luckily you will get a funky, yet useful weapon - the Mask Gun. Shoot masks at the faces of the anti-maskers to defend them and yourself from spreading the contageous disease!