Welcome to Paper Airplane Shooter (BETA) Fun little deathmatch where you shoot with paper airplanes instead of guns which gives you a challenge when you have to shoot ;) The game is made for fun so try it if you love paper airplanes and let's create something fun together. -Weapons- you can buy 7 different paper airplanes to shoot with. (Rules) -Keep a good atmosphere and talk nicely to each other. -Cheating in the game would result in permanent ban from the game without warning !! -Contact admin if someone breaks our rules (fungamerdk)- (If you break our rules, it may result in you being kicked/banned with 2 warnings before) But we hope that will not be necessary. The game is a beta that means we are still testing it and have it open for you as a trial and hope you would help test it. We would also update the game with new things over time. If this game sounds like something for you then finally come in and play it with us !!!