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Base 71 Courtyard Assault

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Base 71 Courtyard Assault Gameplay: Score points for your team by killing enemies and controlling capture points. The first team to get 100 points wins. Each capture point grants access to a powerful bonus ability by accessing its terminal if your team controls it. Only 1 special ability can be active at a time. Classes: There are 7 classes, each with their own unique abilities and an additional self-heal. Sniper (Main Weapon: Sniper Rifle with scope) High Jump - An extra boost to get into hard to reach areas or use as a quick escape. Works best in combination with a jump. Mines - Place land mines that explode when the enemy crosses them. Engineer (Main Weapon: Plasma Rifle with shock grenade launcher) Healing Dome - Create a healing dome to heal yourself and your teammates. Shock Grenade - Shoot a shock grenade at the enemy that deals damage over time. Infiltrator (Main Weapon: Shotgun Pistol with sludge grenade launcher) Stealth - Sneak up on the enemy to take them by surprise. Sludge Grenade - Infect the enemy with spreadable noxious sludge (includes a slowing effect). Assault (Main Weapon: Triple Barrel Shotgun with blast grenade launcher) Toughness - Temporarily increase your hitpoints to push through enemy lines. Blast Grenade - Launch an explosive grenade at the enemy with a knockback. Combat Medic (Main Weapon: Arc Blades - Melee) Life Well - Drop a device at your feet that can is activated on contact by the medic or a team member to remove harmful effects and heal teammates in the area. Portal Blade - Throw a blade at the enemy to teleport to their position. Reaver (Main Weapon: Ring Blade - A thrown ring-shaped weapon that ricochets) Force Ring - Throw the force ring to knock back nearby enemies. The effect from this ability will also knock back the Reaver if the impact is close. Siphon Ring - Throw the siphon ring to steal health from all enemies near the impact. Pyro (Main Weapon: Fire Crossbow - Ignites the enemy dealing damage over time) Speed Boost - Boost run speed for a short period of time. Sentry Grenade - Shoot a sentry grenade to deploy a hovering device that detects and attacks nearby enemies. Visit a weapons terminal to change your class! Weapons terminals are located in the spawn rooms and on the 4 corners near the outer capture points. Have Fun! This game uses Core's Capture and Hold framework and parts from XPBar + Leveling System by Morticai

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