-Submission for [DnD] Contest- - Category: Dungeons, Caves, Catacombs- -Extremely WIP- AwkwardGameDev - Exterior Environment and 'Village' EmilRieux - Dungeon Rooms and Scripting special thanks for CC contributions from waffle, LoiccoiL, mjcortes782, RavenMaiden, Seth, Bigglebuns, Nezhul, sinowrathx, KonzZwodrei, tjarvis, itscodi, standardcombo, Manitcore Team, Rasm, AppleBroNo, BlueClairey, Fexelitche, grimland, WitcherSilver, coreslinkous, AnotherGaming, garageagle, TanCreate, HawkeMont, FabriVilela, gortz, Ripper, and Arivenzys! After a century of vigorous debate, Bucknard The Scholar has successfully confused a legion of WormSpawn. Together, they've rejected Nihilism to form... --- The Undead Philosopher's Guild --- Come see the vulgar MARVEL of Bucknard's Auger, the UPG's first and only Applied Philosophy Field Experiment site. !!!!HOWEVER, BE WARNED!!!! ...construction was significantly delayed and a number of setbacks mean that, instead of the cool and good brain ticklin' scenarios and randomized rooms we had planned, all we've got right now is a couple of rooms and a buncha beatdowns. Look forward in the future to... - Randomized rooms and scenarios for parties of 4 - Classes! - Too many Jokes! - More interesting combat! - Rooms with stuff that's more interesting than combat! - Tons of NPCs, man I'm just...super into writing dialog - All the missing polish and fixes for holes what need patchin' Leave a review and comment or message us on the CORE Discord!