Welcome to the Core Pole. Grab your cool Daily XP Reward Points. Battle just got cold and fierce. Armed with the latest in Snowball Launcher technology, fight to the bitter end or freeze trying! Take a Sleigh ride for a quick tour of the map and get an advantage and shoot your opponents as you fly high above the enemies. In December '22 all 31 presents were opened by players to reveal surprise portals. Each portal will transport you to a fun mystery Core Game. Don't forget to keep an eye on anyone who may want to pick a snowball fight with you as you're making your escape! Why not invite them to join you in one of 31 fun and exciting games. Where will the Portals take you? Jump right in and find out! Have Fun! ------------ Special thanks to LumenDev for his helpful scripting tips and tricks. Thanks to the following Creators for their Community Content:- Sleigh Geo and Santa NPC - Mokazar Adjusted and amended Grunlock's Cozy Coaster Elf NPC - Arudo Tip the Creator - adapted and modified Utterly's CC